Luis and Doris
Serving | Catalyzing | Facilitating

Engaging in the Transform Chile Debate on the Right to Life for the Unborn in the Context of the 4/14 Window Vision

Last night a debate on Therapeutic Abortion brought together the President of the Senate of Chile, a medical doctor and other senators orchestrated by Agustin Zamora, Transform Chile Facilitator. It was a privilege to participate in the debate.

Doris and I have been deeply moved to see the beginnings of a movement of transformation and the 4/14 Movement here in Chile. We request your prayers for Agustin Zamora, his wife Carolina and emerging facilitators and 150 participants of the seven spheres of cultural influence with whom we met with on November 21 along with Ricardo Luna, Facilitator for Latin America of the 4 / 14 Movement, President of CONELA and OneHope Director for Latin America.

Opening Remarks Report on Therapeutic Abortion Debate by Agustin Zamora, Chile Transform Facilitator

Quickly Latin America is being affected by laws that have been enacted in most of Europe and the USA such as gay marriage and therapeutic abortion. For this reason, the Church of Jesus Christ must prepare strategically, thereby avoiding situations such as occurred in Argentina, in relation to gay marriage. This matter is already under discussion in the Parliament here in Chile. Senators in favor of therapeutic abortion made their points in this debate which are likely to the arguments tabled for discussion in Congress for debate at the end of December. In this national scenario we have responded to this challenge in our capacity as Transform Chile, under the context of the 4 / 14 Vision, by convening this debate with the top government leaders within the congress where the full debate among the politicians will soon be held. The following news story on last night’s debate was written by a Catholic journalist and disseminated through various media in Chile.

In the former National Congress Chamber in Santiago,Therapeutic Abortion Debate brought together parliamentarians and representatives of various sectors

Forum program will later be broadcast on Values Consciousness UCV Television. An interesting debate on Therapeutic Abortion was the one that took place in the refurbished meeting room of the Chamber of Deputies of the former National Congress in Santiago, which was attended by parliamentarians and representatives of various sectors.

On this occasion, each panelist had the opportunity to make known his views on the various issues related to therapeutic abortion, in which it was observed that there were marked differences in the remarks between those who are in favor and those who are against this issue, which suggests how difficult it will be a debate regarding this matter in the short and long term.

Guido Girardi, the President of the Senate, a physician, and member of the Committee on Health, senator of the Union Democratic party, Alejandro Garcia-Huidobro, the Socialist Party Senator and president of Health Commission, Fulvio Rossi, the president of the Progressive Party and former presidential candidate, Marco Enríquez-Ominami, lawyer and representative of Pro-Life organizations, Jorge Reyes, and the chaplain of the President of the Country (La Moneda), Alfred Cooper.

Agustin Zamora, leader of Transform Chile, and President of the Foundation Mundo Diferente (a different world) and Transform Chile, stressed the importance of this activity so that people in Chile may know firsthand the thoughts of those who represent them in the legislature, considering it is a play of the defense of one of the fundamental principles of our society, such as is the right to life.

Zamora added that "the decision to transmit the program on television was born out of the great interest shown by various social lead actors in the country on therapeutic abortion, and in that sense we believe that the analysis produced in this activity can help people draw their own conclusions on this issue."

A further highlight was the participation of Luis Bush, facilitator of Transform World Connections and catalyst of the 4 /14 Movement, who referred to three main arguments presented in the debate in favor of therapeutic abortion.

First, therapeutic abortion when life is at risk for the mother though this is often a disguised abortion.

Second, when we say that women have their rights, especially in terms of a conception by rape. "The question here is who protects the rights of a totally innocent unborn? Consider adoption, not abortion," Bush said.


Finally, the representative of Global Transformation Movement 4 / 14, noted that the third argument used by those who support abortion in the debate is related to the fact that in the first weeks the living cells are not yet a human being yet this is so totally contradictory to what God has made clear in His Word, Luis Bush concluded.

The debate may be seen on Sunday November 27 at 17:30 through UCV TV, and will also be broadcast on ART TV signals and TV LIV.