AD2000 Denominational Summit Declaration

Avery Willis Jr.

We, the attendees of this historic summit meeting,

  • Realizing that God is on a mission to redeem a lost world (II Peter 3:9), and that Christ has given us the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20);
  • Having come here in the prayerful conviction that the Spirit of God is leading His Church at this unique juncture of history; and
  • Having heard the reports of denominational initiatives to the year 2000 and beyond, and of resource networks that are cooperating across denominations, churches and organizations to focus on world evangelization, mobilization of united prayer and coordinated efforts to reach the unreached;
  • Believing that the Holy Spirit has led us to be present at this gathering, and having experienced the unity of the multifaceted body of Christ and the unique corporate gifting that different denominations and organizations bring to that body.

Now, being of one mind in our commitment to work together for the evangelization of the world by the year 2000 and beyond, we, as individuals from various denominations, declare our joint commitment to seek a church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2000. We urgently call the worldwide Body of Christ to join openly in linking hands, hearts, minds and spirits in this grand cause of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we declare, that, upon returning to our respective organizations we will encourage others within our denominations and associations to consider the following actions:

  1. To magnify the focus on the people who do not have access to the gospel, the majority of whom live in the area known as the 10/40 Window, without neglecting the mandate for the whole world;
  2. To call our people to pray, recognizing prayer as the central strategy that is crucial to this endeavor; to encourage our churches to participate in prayer initiatives, such as Praying Through the Window, the Day to Change the World (on June 25, 1994) and the March for Jesus.
  3. To encourage our churches to participate in the national strategy initiatives that incorporate the various AD 2000 networks where they exist, and encourage the development of national strategy initiatives where they do not exist.
  4. To seek ways to accelerate the mission thrust of our respective denominations in our work around the world and the recruitment of new missionaries to the unreached.
  5. To pursue ways to communicate with and mutually support one another in our common task.
  6. To utilize the various networks and task forces of the AD 2000 Movement, where appropriate.

As fellow servants of Christ we seek to join with other Christian communities around the world in accomplishing these goals. We make these commitments for the greater glory of Christ our Savior, and the extension of His Kingdom to the millions who have not yet heard.

Avery Willis, U.S.A
Chairman, Ad Hoc AD 2000 Denominational Summit Declaration Committee
Vice President, Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention

Endorsing the Denominational Summit Declaration

Michael Green, Anglican Church Advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Geremias Do Couto, Assemblies of God, Brazil, Executive Secretary

Bob Fulton, Assoc. of Vineyard Churches International Coordinator

Fred E. Wright, Assoc. of Vineyard Churches, Southwest Coordinator

Peter Nanfelt, Christian & MissionaryAlliance, Vice President, International

David L. Rambo, Christian & Missionary Alliance, President

Grant McClung, Church of God World Missions Research Coordinator

Roland Vaughan, Church of God World Missions Director

Lamar Vest, Church of God General Overseer

Adrian Varlack, Church of God of Prophecy, Secretary

Eugene Stowe, Church of the Nazarene Gen. Supervisor, Emeritus

Robert Scott, Church of the Nazarene Division Director

Hans Finzel, Conservative Baptist Foreign Miss. Soc., President

Panya Baba, Evangelical Church of West Africa, General Director

Paul Larsen, Evangelical Covenant Church President

Paul Cedar, Evangelical Free Church of America, President

Jim Forstrum, Evangelical Free Church of America, Associate Director

Lewis Myers, Foreign Mission Society, SBC World A Vice President

Clark Scanlon, Foreign Mission Society, SBC Research & Planning Director

Avery Willis, Foreign Mission Society, SBC Senior Vice President

John Amstutz, Four Square Missions International, Asst. to Director

Donald McGregor, Four Square Missions International, Director

Janice Wheeler, Four Square Missions International

Ray Wheeler, Four Square Missions International

M. Doane Bonney, Free Methodist World Missions, General Director

Bob Fetterhoff, Grace Brethren Church Moderator

Tom Julien, Grace Brethren Church Foreign Missions Executive Director

Kurt Miller, Grace Brethren Church Home Missions Director

Edward Trenner, Grace Brethren Church Consultant

John Kyle, Missions to the World Executive Director

Harold Dalton, Pentecostal Holiness World Missions, Asst. Director

K. Eric Perrin, Presbyterian Church of America, Interchurch Relations Committee. Chair

Clifton Kirkpatrick, Presbyterian Church of God, USA, Associate Director

Jeff Ritchie, Presbyterian Church of God, USA