The Unfinished Task It Can Be Done By AD 2000

Today, nearly two thousand years after Christ challenged his disciples with the Great Commission, the Church which bears His name approaches a milestone many had only dreamed of reaching. A goal which has ignited the hearts of missionaries for centuries now stands within sight.

That goal? "A church for every people and the Gospel for every person." This is the "The Unfinished Task." It is the goal of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement -- not only that the task be done, but that it be done by the end of the millennium -- by December 31, 2000.

Do you wonder if the scope of such a task sounds too far- reaching? Then consider this. It isn't too far-reaching for the Coca- Cola Corporation. They've vowed to place "A Coke in the hand of every person on earth by the year 2000." If such a goal can be credibly announced by the marketers of a soft drink, how can we shrink from reaching that same world, in the same time frame, with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The goal is in sight!

One hundred years ago, evangelist D. L. Moody said concerning the evangelization of the world by the end of 1900, "It can be done, it ought to be done, it must be done." However, some five years before the end of the century, his colleague A.T. Pierson would admit, "We despaired of hope."

Today, some five years before the end of this century and millennium, hope and anticipation have replaced the despair of a former time. The goal of "a church for every people and the Gospel for every person by the year 2000" has united over 4000 Christian leaders from more than 180 countries of the world. It's a goal each individual has already committed to in writing. It's a goal which has called them together for the Global Consultation on World Evangelization (GCOWE '95) in Seoul, Korea in May 1995. Ralph Winter, founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission, says of GCOWE '95, "The AD 2000 face-to-face global meeting in Korea may be the most strategic Christian gathering in history."

Why do so many of God's servants in so many countries believe "The Unfinished Task" can be done? Why ought the task be done? What must be done now?

It Can Be Done!

When we look at the advance of God's kingdom, the great portion of the task has already been done. Current expectations state that by the year 2000, over 95% of the population of the world -- people from every culture and language and country -- will have access to the Gospel through a portion of Scripture in their own language, literature distribution, radio transmission, audio recordings, the "Jesus" film, or through the preaching of an evangelist.

By one means or another, the world will be exposed to the Gospel. Furthermore, access to the Gospel is not simply a matter of one means or another, but one means and others. In other words, the year 2000 will witness over 95% of the world's population having access not only to a Scripture portion in their language, but also to Christian radio transmission, and audio recordings, and the "Jesus" film. The Gospel for every person is truly possible!

When we examine the feasibility of planting "a church for every people," we again see that a great portion of the task has already been done. That's because of the 12,000 known ethno-linguistic peoples in the world, 10,000 already have a church planting movement in their midst!

Looking back at what the Lord has done, we can only say, "Praise be to God!" And we honor and thank His many servants who have gone before -- servants upon whose shoulders we stand at this great moment of divine initiative. "The Unfinished Task" remaining is but a small portion!

But the evidence continues far beyond merely the extent of what's already been accomplished. We also see evidence of a rapid acceleration in divine activity toward the fulfillment of the goal. Through His people, God is completing the task more quickly than ever before.

Operation World British author Patrick Johnstone, Chairman of the AD 2000 Unreached Peoples Network, assesses both aspects of the goal when he writes, "There is cause for much praise to God in the progress over the past 200 years, and more especially in the past 30, and cautious hope for the initial attainment of our goals."

It Can Be Done! Because Of Prayer Mobilization

The many promises in God's Word concerning answered prayer underscore the pivotal role of a growing prayer movement focused on world evangelization. After all, it was J. Edwin Orr, the student of revival, who said,

"When God is about to do something new he sets His people a- praying."

The title of a three-page article in the November 14, 1994 edition of Christianity Today posed the following question: "Is a Global Great Awakening Just Around the Corner?" The answer comes in the first paragraph: "With millions of Christian believers holding mass prayer rallies worldwide, scholars and prayer movement leaders are asking whether this development foreshadows church renewal on a global scale." The article cites as examples prayer initiatives such as the Day to Change the World held the 25th of June, 1994 and the October 1993 Praying Through the Window, organized by the AD 2000 Prayer Mobilization Network led by Peter Wagner. The article further proclaims that, "A prayer movement that greatly surpasses anything, perhaps in all of Christian history, is rapidly gaining momentum."

This prayer momentum keeps growing! Praying Through the Window II, scheduled for October 1995, is focused on the Major Gateway (influential) Cities of the 10/40 Window. Thirty to fifty

million Christians and 10,000 on-site intercessors in 400 teams are expected to participate in this event.

It Can Be Done! Because Of Accelerated Outreach Efforts

"The Gospel for every person" means that every person on earth will have access to the good news of Jesus Christ. What evidence points to such worldwide Gospel access becoming a reality?

First, the gospel for every person by the year 2000 can become a reality via the impact of television and a believable preacher. Consider the ministry of just one evangelist -- in fact, a man who is honorary co-chairman of this movement.

Since his 1949 Los Angeles crusade, Billy Graham has preached to live audiences numbering over 180 million people, in more than 180 countries and territories. Yet, the impact of a single day in March 1995 dwarfs even that lifetime's exposure -- the simultaneous broadcast of Graham's message from Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, Puerto Rico to 165 nations of the world. This one event will expose more people to the Gospel than all the combined audiences in Billy Graham's years of ministry up to two years ago. In fact, never before in history have so many people, estimated in excess of one billion souls, heard the Gospel in a single day!

We're seeing today's technology and one evangelist's credibility combine to expose more than 20% of the world's population -- in one day -- to a powerful gospel message!

Second, the gospel for every person by the year 2000 can become a reality because the Scriptures are available in the languages of the people. By the year 2000, eight out of ten people will have access to the entire Bible in their language and nine out of ten to a New Testament. The acceleration in Bible translation is so remarkable that today more than eighteen portions are translated a year -- compared to just over three a year in 1900.

Third, the gospel for every person by the year 2000 can become a reality because of massive literature distribution both systematically to every home and randomly throughout the world. Dick Eastman, coordinator of the AD 2000 God's Word and Literature Network, is systematically working to distribute Christian literature to every home in the world. In India, with a population approaching one billion by the year 2000, Final Thrust 5000 works with other agencies to distribute Christian literature to every home in the more than 600,000 villages by century's end. An average of seventeen churches per day are currently being planted. Eastman attributes the increased response in India and globally in 1993 and 1994 to the October 1993 Praying Through the Window initiative.

Fourth, the gospel for every person by the year 2000 can become a reality because of audio communications. This category encompasses all radio and recorded Gospel messages on audio cassettes, as well as other media which do not require reading skills for comprehension.

The United Nations calls the 1980's "The Lost Decade" because of a dramatic rise in illiteracy. Many of the reported unreached peoples number among these illiterate -- estimated today at close to two billion individuals. Audio communication has emerged as the obvious and vital mass medium for reaching these people.

Since the establishment in 1985 of the radio broadcasting coalition called World by 2000, we've witnessed a dramatic acceleration of the Gospel's availability in new languages on radio. In less than ten years, the number of languages broadcast has increased from 170 to 249. By the year 2000, radio broadcasts are expected to cover 97% of the world's population.

The AD 2000 Audio Communications Network, with the involvement of more than 20 agencies, seeks through Target 4000 to help recruit a minimum of 70 recording teams to finish the cassette recording work. This cooperative effort exemplifies the spirit and method of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement. The Gospel Recordings agency only began their work in 1940, yet by the year 2000, audio recordings will be accessible to 96% of the human race. (Note: The number of languages varies on the charts due to differences in definition. The Bible Translation chart reflects the known languages definitely requiring translation. The Christian Radio Broadcasting chart uses language to designate a broadcasted language understood across various dialects.)

Fifth, the gospel for every person by the year 2000 can become a reality because of the "Jesus" film. Over one-half billion people have seen this thrilling film in 216 countries of the world, with 75 million people registering decisions for Christ -- about 10,000 per day. 421 different denominations and Christian organizations are involved. A translation is being completed every 10 days. The goal, by the year 2000, is that the "Jesus" film will be available in languages understood by 99% of the world's population.

It Ought To Be Done!

The Bible provides the directive that "The Unfinished Task" of "a church for every people and the Gospel for every person" ought to be done.

Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command" (John 14:15). When Jesus gave The Great Commission to His followers, He commanded them to

"Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).

The word used here for "nations" is "ethne," which more closely means "ethno-linguistic peoples" rather than the present-day word "nations" (that is, countries with politically drawn boundaries). Church planting efforts must target unreached ethno-linguistic peoples.

The Bible records that representatives from every ethno-linguistic people will be in heaven. John wrote in Revelation 7:9, "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands."

In addition to reaching people groups, Scripture also stresses the need for every person to hear the Gospel message. In the commissioning of His followers, Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15). These verses have led the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement to assess the task remaining and mobilize Christians worldwide -- to bring each ethno-linguistic people group a church and each person access to the Gospel message.

It Must Be Done!

After seeing that "The Unfinished Task" can be done and ought to be done, we now realize it must be done. But what must be done to achieve the vision of "a church for every people and the Gospel for every person by the year 2000"? How can this goal be accomplished?

The AD 2000 and Beyond Movement has assembled many excellent strategies for completing the task. These include countrywide efforts, denominational initiatives, regionwide projects, citywide programs, networks of agencies, and partnerships between organizations who labor together toward the year 2000. "The Unfinished Task" among unreached peoples has become a focus for all of them. Over 2000 plans targeting the year 2000 have emerged independently, in country after country around the world, and are indicators of what we must do in the years to come. We must acknowledge these plans. We must support them. We must get behind them. There may be gaps to fill. There may be areas we can enrich.

The Apostle Paul reminds us to run the race to obtain the prize. By God's grace and provision, we have come a long way. We are getting close to the end of the race. It is time to quicken our pace. It is time to begin our sprint. Paul said to the Romans, "The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here" (Romans 13:11-12).

Several valid concerns exist regarding "The Unfinished Task. " We must not oversimplify the scope of the work ahead. We must guard against a failure to cooperate adequately among the Body of Christ. We should not underestimate the human, spiritual and financial costs of reaching the world's remaining unevangelized people in the short time ahead. But God is on the move! God is superintending the events of our time. He is the source of humanity's growing spiritual thirst. Now is the time. Let us go forward with God's help and join together in harmony as we work toward the year 2000 and beyond, to complete "The Unfinished Task." It can be done!

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Will God's Outpouring Include You?

As a member of the body of Christ, there's no question -- God has a place for you in the greatest spiritual harvest of the age. Regardless of which spiritual gifts or talents you possess, regardless of your financial resources, regardless of the amount of time you have available, this opportunity includes you.

There's a place for you -- but will you take it?

Thomas Wang, AD 2000 International Board Chairman, calls us toward active participation: "The last lap of the 10,000-meter run has begun. We cannot be neutral anymore."

Years from now, will you have the deep satisfaction of knowing you helped fan a spiritual fire which engulfed the planet? That you took part in an historic move of God which changed the eternal destinies of billions of people? Only you can answer that question.